Electronic Cigarette

Treat Your Smile Right Ditch the Tobacco

Tobacco is not good for any part of your body, but when it comes to your teeth, they are one of the most obvious places you will actually see the destruction. Regardless of how much brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings you undergo, what tobacco does to the teeth is awful. Cigarettes are known to cause garish yellow staining, plaque residue build up, tooth loss, gum infections, bad breath, and mouth and other oral cancers. Does any of this sound attractive to you?
Dental experts estimate that male smokers lose an average of 3 teeth every 10 years, and female smokers about 1-2, which is about double the average of the rate nonsmokers lose teeth due to the aging process.
Other foul contributions from cigarettes include filling your mouth with carcinogenic chemicals that stick to the mouth’s lining, causing chronic bad breath. Smoking can also restrict the blood flow to the gums, which inhibits the healing of wounds and the general health of the mouth.
When you consider all of these factors, vapor cigarettes sure seem enticing, don’t they? No smoke, tobacco, tar, or the thousands of chemicals, plus an entirely clean process make them a much smarter choice to be using as opposed to traditional cigarettes.

The next generation of hookah alternatives. Starbuzz has perfected the science behind blue mist starbuzz cartridge to bring you the ultimate smoking experience. It’s a flavor similar to cotton candy and a flavor that explodes with thick tobacco smoke. Smoke up the flavor of Starbuzz E-Hose Cartridges. Each cartridge comes packed with delicious flavor that will enhance your hookah experience. The zero nicotine cartridge ensures that you’ll get addicted to the flavor, but not the nicotine. Contains 4 cartridges per pack.
Your smile is one of the first things people will notice about you. It’s a key to your personality, and when your teeth are irreversibly damaged, you sure can get a ton of dental work done, but you won’t get your teeth back. Protect them right, and ditch the tobacco!

Related article: E-Cigarette Benefits Outweigh Negatives


How to dispose of e-cigarette properly?

While there’s no doubt that e-cigs are a “greener” alternative to traditional cigarettes, it is up to each individual to do their part in minimizing their impact on the environment. One way e-smokers can do this is by making sure they dispose of their e-cig properly and responsibly.
The battery that powers your e-cig should be treated as electronic waste and discarded accordingly. Check with your city regarding its guidelines for electronic waste disposal, or contact a nearby Best Buy and find out if they do e-waste recycling at that particular store. Here are some steps to dispose of your e-cig.
1. Carefully remove the filler material out of the cartridge.
2. Wash it in running water to rinse of nicotine residue.
3. Wrap filler in biodegradable material before throwing it in the trash.
4. Rinse cartridge under running water.
5. Cap it with the original plug.
6. Dispose of it as you would any other plastic waste.
Following these steps will help ensure that nicotine won’t contaminate our water sources and is discarded safely.
You can learn more about electronic cigarettes by visiting our E-cigarette Online Store. Also, be sure to check out green cigarettes from Starbuzz today to make your life a little greener and cleaner.


Five tips to help you quit smoking

With nothing but negatives, tobacco cigarettes damage your health and your income. It isn’t easy, and many people spend many years, and many thousands of dollars on products in attempts to quit, often with failed results. If you are about to quit smoking, you should consider switching to electronic cigarettes.

1. Set goals and focus. If your goal is to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes, focus on all the positives that will come into your life by fulfilling this. Focus on all the ways you can make this happen. Picture yourself doing it!

2. Kill two birds with one stone. Get the tobacco out of your life, and switch to e-cigs. Electronic cigarette starter kits http://www.electroniccigarettesell.com/ecigarette-kit.html are a fabulous way to do this, as well as the easiest. They come with everything you’ll need to start, and provide you with an alternative so much like the real thing sans the evil tobacco smoke.

3. Keep a journal, and mark your progress with dates. This will also allow you to maintain focus and offer you concrete evidence on how well you’re doing. Dates are also great for keeping you on track because they give you an idea of how you are doing, and guide you towards making your resolution a total reality within a specific time frame.

4. Be motivated! Imagine all the health benefits of not breathing in carcinogenic smoke all the time. Your health is priceless, and no matter what obstacles come along, your health is your anchor and your freedom. Quitting smoking traditional cigarettes means you’ll have more of yourself, to yourself! If you plan on exercising, your lungs will have greater capacity to hold more air, making cardio much easier. You will probably get sick less often, and when you do, your symptoms will most likely be milder than when you smoked.

5. Analyze your barriers, and what can you do to overcome them. Ask yourself: “What is preventing me from making this goal a reality?” If nicotine is what you crave, Ihealthcigs electronic cigarettes http://www.electroniccigarettesell.com/ can offer it, without the unnecessary smoke, tar and ash. If you enjoy the feeling of puffing a cigarette, again, e-cigarettes can provide the same enjoyment without the chemicals.


What should companies do about e-cigarettes?

Some experts advise businesses to ban e-cigarettes as part of their typical non-smoking policies. Someone states that anything that could potentially harm other employees, we tend to side on the more cautious. However, I feel that this is simply a move to have a position in place for a worst case-scenario situation.

Nevertheless, companies should plan for whatever stance they want to take on e-cigarettes—even if you plan to allow the use of e-cigarettes. These kind of policies (including when, where, and if vaping is allowed) should be activated before employees start pushing any sort of company boundaries.

Do the benefits of vaping outweigh the risks? Some companies think so. Some employers see advantages in e-cigarettes. A number of business owners have noticed an increase in productivity by allowing those employees who wish to vape in the office unless a customer is present. Their productivity level increases because they are not torn away from their desks in order to fulfill their nicotine cravings. Being able to vape at their desk allows them to return to their task much more quickly after taking a puff.

If vapers are forced to go outside with traditional smokers, it could (if they are still struggling with cravings for tobacco cigarettes) entice them to return to tobacco cigarettes

Since there is so much talk about where vapers can use or not electronic cigarettes, it is important to think about whether the workplace is a viable option for you to vape in. Make sure that you check with your employer to see if there are any regulations in place before powering up your e-cigarette on the job. Ihealthcigs can provide you with starter kits http://www.electroniccigarettesell.com/ecigarette-kit.html and other electronic cigarette accessories. In addition, you can also find further information about e-cigarettes by browsing our blog http://ecigarettes-info.blogspot.com/.


Going green with your electronic cigarette

Being more environmentally friendly in all aspects of your life can improve your health, save money, and lessen your impact on the world around you. If you are a smoker, e-cigarettes are the best way to make enjoying nicotine more eco-friendly.

First of all, they are a reusable product, and they drastically reduce waste and litter by keeping millions of cigarette butts off the ground. Have you ever taken a good look at the ground in outdoor public places, and been overwhelmed by the mass of cigarette butts that accumulate from smokers just tossing them to the floor?

And then there are the millions of smokers that drop their butts in places like beaches, parks, forests, and other areas where wildlife can ingest them. With e-cigs, the “cigarette” is reused over and over again, therefore promoting the concept of cutting back on resources. This method of smoking also reduces waste on a massive scale, and keeps pollution of the grounds, and out of the landfills.

E-cigarettes make use of the most advanced technology available. They are designed in ways to be extremely energy-efficient, and a single battery charge can last through an entire day with constant use, and up to a week with occasional use. Electronic cigarettes release water vapor upon inhalation, and while the puff resembles smoke, it is anything but harmful.

Contrary to conventional cigarettes, which are laden with a lethal mix of chemicals and release an overwhelming amount of toxins into the air when smoked. If you put it into perspective and consider the millions of people worldwide who smoke them daily, how much air pollution is being added to our atmosphere, is a very disturbing thought.

Another benefit of electronic cigarettes on the environment is that by avoiding the use of tobacco, you are not supporting an industry well-known to have awful farming practices that damage the earth. Every year, more and more tobacco farms in the US go out of business because less and less people are wasting their time, money, and health on tobacco. Ihealthicigs electronic cigarette starter kits are a great way to make the switch to a smarter, healthier, more eco-friendly alternative, e-cigarettes can deliver the nicotine in an intelligently green way.



The true costs of smoking

No one will deny how expensivevee cigarette smoking is, howr those costs extend way beyond just the pack a day habit. Which, don’t get me wrong, is not a lowly expense, however the true cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes covers a lot of areas of your life, and can cost you more money than you’d ever imagined when you first picked up the habit. If you’re spending $7 daily on a pack of cigarettes, that comes out to more than $2000 every year, for starters, and that doesn’t include additional costs such as lighters that are needed to maintain the habit.

Other expenses, such as health insurance, life insurance, and healthcare can increase drastically when you are a smoker. It is estimated that 30 year old smokers pay somewhere between 16 and 41% more for health insurance premiums than their nonsmoking counterparts do. Life insurance premiums are also much higher for smokers, as much as 50% more due to the fact that smokers are not expected to live as long as nonsmokers, therefore making their yearly costs considerably higher.

When it comes to illnesses, smokers are also statistically more inclined to spend more money due to the increased frequency. And this leads into the money spent on medications, because with increased illness comes increased need for medication. Another area of healthcare that smokers spend more on is dental care, because cigarettes can cause much damage to the teeth, and treatments necessary to maintain optimal dental health.

Property value may not come to mind as an area that gets subjected to depreciation due to smoking, however it certainly can. Both home and vehicle value can be reduced due to the effects of smoking, and the costs to maintain the original condition can be costly as well. In the home, smoke can leave behind a permanent odor in carpets, walls, and window treatments, rendering the property musty, in addition to staining surfaces that will need repair and replacing. In vehicles, both the odor and damages from cigarette burns can cause the value to decrease.

As you can see, smoking is a very costly habit. While it starts off as a minor expense, over time the costs exacerbate, and they can take a toll in many areas of your life. Simply switching to electronic smoking can help reduce many of these costs, as well as lead you on the right track to a better quality of life. Money isn’t everything, but your health is, and there is a direct correlation between the negative effects of cigarettes on it and how much you spend.

For more imformation pls click here http://www.electroniccigarettesell.com/ecigarette-ego-t-gs-h2-blister-kit.html


Seven reasons why you should switch to Ihealthcigs e-cigs

Electronic cigarettes have become the “it” thing for smokers who’ve lost their taste for traditional cigarettes. Do you think this is the year you will be making the switch? It’s almost a cliché how many smokers make quitting their resolution, however why quit when you can switch? Here are a few good reasons to do it now, because e-cigs are hotter than ever, and we’re sure you won’t regret it!

1. Won’t you feel better knowing you are not smoking tobacco anymore? Traditional cigarettes contain over 4,000 different toxic chemical additives, in addition to tobacco itself which leaves behind tar, smells awful, and makes a mess.

2. You’ll smile more radiantly. Whether it’s from the happiness you get from no longer smoking traditional cigarettes, or because your teeth look nicer without the tobacco stains, we bet you’ll be more inclined to smile!

3. You’ll save a lot of money. We all know cigarettes are crazy expensive, and with electronic cigarettes costing a fraction in comparison, we are sure you’ll love the savings.

4. E-cigs give you more control of your smoking, and we know you’ll like having more of a say when it comes to when and where you smoke. You also get to choose what kind of e-cig model you use, what flavors you want, and what nicotine level you’d like.

5. You can permanently say goodbye to ashtrays and cigarette butts. You will absolutely love how much cleaner e-cigarettes are, and how much less work they take.

6. Your conscience will rest more easily knowing you are doing one less thing to harm the environment; yes just smoking cigarettes is bad for the planet. E-cigs are reusable, and they do not produce a fraction of the waste that cigarettes create.

7. You’ll officially be done with tobacco cigarettes! Among all of the many positives of switching to electronic cigarettes, just being through with them, and able to live a cleaner, smoke-free lifestyle will be more than worth it!


Eight Tips to Keep in Mind for Making the Switch

If you are a smoker, or a former smoker, you know that tobacco cigarettes are one of the hardest habits to ditch. So many smokers have embraced the possibilities of Ihealthcigs’ electronic cigarettes, and they have found an incredible compromise with them; similar feel, similar taste, and nicotine without the tobacco smoke. However, when starting out, there is a bit of a learning curve that users should be aware of, because understanding how these products work can give you a much better end result. Here are some tips to keep in mind of, just to make the switch to e-cigarettes go more successfully for you.

1. Go with a reputable electronic cigarette brand like Ihealthcigs. Quality varies, and some brands are better than others. Choose wisely.

2. Don’t be dismayed by the cost of starter kits; these costs make themselves up in time, and cartridges are considerably less expensive than cigarette packs.

3. Disposable e-cigarettes are a great way to try e-smoking at an affordable price.

4. Learn about your e-cigarettes. You should soak up all the information you can; learn how to use them most effectively. Learn about different techniques to keep them in good shape. Learn about how to get the most powerful throat hit. It will all contribute to a better overall experience.

5. Don’t expect your tobacco cigarette cravings to disappear immediately. Of course, it varies from one user to the next, but if you prepare yourself to deal with cravings you will be able to handle them better.

6. Transitioning to e-cigarettes is easier for some more than others; for some it goes quickly and within a week they’ve made the switch completely. For others it can take a few months.

7. If you think switching will be difficult for you, allow yourself time to slowly lessen your tobacco use while alternating with e-cigarettes until you’re comfortable.

8. When you’ve been smoking traditional cigarettes for an extended amount of time, your body becomes used to carcinogens and loads of toxins. Your body needs time to adjust to not having them.

We know how difficult cigarettes are to leave behind, and we want to help you enjoy e-smoking. We want switching to vapor to be easy on you, and hopefully a step towards becoming totally smoke-free. Hopefully these tips for switching to e-cigs have been helpful!
